​​Learn About #define

To help you learn about #define we have created a range of resources to ensure you quickly become familiar with the interface and proficient with the features available:
User Guide - Our User Guide will give you a brief introduction to the interface and features available in #define. The PDF of the User Guide is available here.
Help Guide - Each #define project has a built in help guide, which is accessible by selecting the question mark icon in the ribbon of your #define project. This is a much more extensive document than the User Guide. For example it describes wiki mark-up and the inheritance system applied to file archive permissions. If you don't have access to your own project, you can view the help guide on our community project.
Demo Site - You can try #define before you order a project by visiting the demo site. This is reset every night so feel free to edit wiki pages, create tickets and upload files to the project archive.
Training Videos - We have created a range of training videos, focusing both on specific features and wider components of #define. A list of links to these videos is available here.
Tour - If you are unsure about the features available on any given page, you can take the #define tour via the tour icon in the ribbon. This highlights different features on the page and offers a high level, user friendly description.
Community - For informal support you can visit the #define community site, which contains additional training materials and videos. You can even discuss topics with other #define users via one of the community mailing lists. To learn more about our vibrant user community visit the community page.
Formal Training and Support - If you would like us to provide formal training to your project members or require any additional assistance please email our service desk in Bromölla by emailing servicedsk.se@cgi.com

​Order Project

To order a #define projet you can visit our dashboard project. If you are an internal client you login with your groupinfra credentials and can hava a project up and running within minutes.

User Manual

Product Information​​